Trustees Update – September/October 2020

It’s been a while since we have put out an update – but hopefully you will see that the trustees have been busy behind the scenes both locally and across the region.  This is an important moment for those of us who want to see safer active travel routes and there is...

Ecology Update – September 2020

Now that late summer has arrived the most colourful sight on the Collier’s Way at Great Elm are ripening berries/fruits. The first three pictures show the berries of the Black Bindweed and Guelder Rose (behind which are young hawthorn trees with a mass of red...

Ecology Update – August 2020

The summer flowers are fading fast at Great Elm as autumn approaches.  However, a number of flowers remain amongst the long grass including Thistles, Field Scabious, St John’s Wort, Crane Bill etc. In studying the wildflowers at Great Elm, it is not always easy...

Ecology Update – July 2020

The Spring flowers have long gone at Great Elm on the Collier’s Way. They are being replaced by very long grass but flowers can still be found in their midst.  Also, there is a touch of autumn to note in the berries on the Guelders-rose.  This summer is all...

Ecology Update – June 2020

The first picture of the bench area at Great Elm shows that the drought is holding back the summer wildflowers.  The ox-eyed daisies have been slow to flower here as the bank area is very dry. The ones on the By Pass  have been flowering for weeks.  The Guider Rose is...

Ecology Update – May 2020

The study at Great Elm now shows spring wildflowers fading  (Orchids, Cowslips, Primroses, Violets etc) but the summer wildflowers are beginning to appear (Bird’s-Foot-Trefoil, Crosswort, Red Campion, Bush Vetch and Horseshoe Vetch (pea family) etc) and in some...

FML Ecology Update – April 2020

There is little practical work that can be done at the moment except to watch the ecology. A survey of wildflower plants appearing will be maintained in the summer months, and with this in mind a few pictures were taken in mid April at Great Elm on the Collier’s...

Bat Boxes Installed At Great Elm

Tony Burdett, Colin Wisbey and Andrew Marchant of the FML Ecology Group installed three bat boxes at Great Elm on 31st January. The boxes were provided by Sustrans as part of the ecology/greenway improvements to the Collier’s Way. It would be interesting to hear...

October Frolics and Fundraising

Frome’s Missing Links have had a busy October running cycling themed activities at the Frome Independent market on Sunday 6th followed by a jam packed Ceilidh at the Cheese and Grain on Friday 11th.     We had a fabulous day at the October Frome Independent, where...

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