The study at Great Elm now shows spring wildflowers fading (Orchids, Cowslips, Primroses, Violets etc) but the summer wildflowers are beginning to appear (Bird’s-Foot-Trefoil, Crosswort, Red Campion, Bush Vetch and Horseshoe Vetch (pea family) etc) and in some places Ox Eye Daisies. The opening picture is the hawthorn trees all in flower at Great Elm.
Initial work was begun on Phase 3 of the path before the pandemic. This involved building fences and gates and planting hedges/trees etc. at Whatcombe Farm. The hedges and trees will make a real improvement to the environment and they are now getting established.
The path built at Coalash Bridge has become overrun in a picturesque way, pending connecting to a future extension. It is a great deal better looking now that the old car and caravan have been removed and the area has been fully fenced.
Other work done in the previous year by FML Ecology Group showing significant results includes Feltham Lane and the Dippy. The Feltham Lane has been cleared of mud and nettles which were restricting Sustrans Route No. 24 and efforts to improve the grassland and wood areas in the Dippy have also received support from the Group.