In summary the survey began on 12 May 2017 and ended on 29 Sept 2017. The total number of sightings were 443 (under 10 mats) and the reptiles recorded were slow worms, common lizards and grass snakes; non-reptile sightings under the mats were shrews, voles and toads (numbers for non-reptiles 3, 3 and 4 respectively). The average sightings peaked in August at 18 per visit (some visits over 30) and this decreased to 11 by end of September.
The total number of sightings was very encouraging for the recorders (mainly Colin Wisbey) and the biggest surprise was the regular sightings of grass snakes (although no running water on the site in summer). Not having seen the grass snake before, the markings (particularly the yellow collar) were great to observe.
Sustrans are about to start a ‘Greener Greenway’ project on Collier’s Way with the view of providing a better nature corridor for plants and animals.
(Report from Andrew Marchant)