Become a member

The easiest way to help us is to join as a member. Members of a charity hold the trustees to account and can vote at the meetings. Under our constitution they have no liability if things go wrong.

There is no charge for membership. Membership is open to any individual who supports our aims. All you need to do is sign up to become a member here. You will receive an annual invitation to the AGM.

Volunteer for us

We often need people to help us as volunteers. There is a group that do practical jobs (like clearing scrub and helping with construction) and usually meet on a Friday.

We have had bikes donated to us which we can sell to raise funds, and we have volunteers that are helping to check and fix up the bikes.

We often organise events, such as bike jumbles, ceilidhs and pop-up cafes, and are always grateful for help with these.

If you would like to get involved with these things, please contact us as

Make a donation

Donations can be made on our donations page via PayPal or credit/debit card. Standing orders would need to be set up with your online banking service. If you do want to do this please let us know by contacting us here.

Donations from companies are of course very welcome in cash or kind. We would like to acknowledge these contributions.


We have a fundraising group who would welcome ideas and contributions to organising schemes and events to raise funds within the community and more widely. If you think you might be able to help please contact us.

Support us on Facebook and Twitter

Visit and join our Facebook group.

Follow us on Twitter.

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