Welcome to the Chain Gang! FML Chain Gang logo
Date 4/5 February 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue Buckland Bridge, Great Elm
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This work weekend organised by local volunteers was a great success. Nearly 40 volunteers braved the cold on Saturday and 25 the ice on Sunday to hack through head high brambles and undergrowth to restore grassland and clear the way for the first part of the Missing Link path. Some travelled from Bristol, one man from Sussex visiting his girlfriend was roped in, and even people out for a Sunday walk joined in.
It was a great demonstration of public support and their will to see the project succeed. They enjoyed themselves so much that many asked to come back again so another weekend has been arranged for 25/26th February. Given similar progress it is hoped that the first 700 metres of the Link on land already owned by national charity Sustrans will be cleared.


Before Chain Gang 1 – two thirds of a kilometre of overgrown track

Buckland Bridge overgrown track

Chain Gang 1 in progress

Montage of Chain Gang 1 activity

Montage of Chain Gang 1 activity

Base camp

Base camp for the weekend. Hot drinks, tools, encouragement and good will in plentiful supply

Chain gang 1 base camp


Nearly 500 metres of track cleared of brambles and overhanging trees

Buckland Bridge after Chain Gang 1
Many thanks if you took part in this Chain Gang

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